C1. Work in pairs. Pick out the words/phrases from the poem which tell you about the following. Write them in the space given. One is done for you.

C2. The important signposts of the poem are given in the box. Fill in the flowchart in the order in which the incidents occur.

C3. Some qualities of Upagupta are given. Quote the appropriate lines from the poem to justify them. One is done for you.

C4. Work in small groups. Complete the summary of the poem with suitable words given in the bubbles.

1. Why did Upagupta wake up startled?

2. “The dancing girl was rich.” Do you agree with this opinion? Justify your answer by quoting from the text.

3. Why do you think the ascetic did not accept the invitation of the dancing girl?

4 How is the spring season described in the poem?

5. “The time, at last, has come to visit you.” What do you understand by this?

6. Read the last stanza. Does the de- scription suggest anything about the ascetic?

R2. Imagery is the use of language to evoke pictures in the minds of the readers or listeners. Sit in pairs, identify the images used in the poem and write them down.

e.g., 1. Upagupta sleeping on the dusty ground

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